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The Ohio Philosophical Association (OPA) has existed since 1931. For a time, it existed as a section of the Ohio College Association, which was founded in 1867.

The Ohio Philosophical Association has as its purpose the encouragement of "research in philosophy and the interchange of ideas among teachers in philosophy in the colleges and universities of Ohio." The association is supported by both institutional members and individual members. Institutions may become members by completing this form and paying annual dues.

The membership comprises all those who are on the association's email list or who register for the association’s annual meeting. Individuals may become members by contacting the secretary-treasurer. The voting membership comprises all individuals who pay the annual meeting registration fee.


The 2024 Annual Meeting will be held at Ohio Northern University on April 6, 2024. Jim Pryor, Professor of Philosophy  at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, will present the keynote address titled "The Fragmentation of Belief."